Optimizing a sphere-triangle intersection test

It’s been quite a while since I posted on the blog (a) at all, and (b) about a topic remotely related to the name of my domain and subsequently my book. Thanks to a gentle nudge from my friend and colleague Pål-Kristian Engstad I’ll try to rectify the situation with this post about how one could go about optimizing a sphere-triangle intersection test, suitable for a SIMD-implementation (such as on the PS3 SPUs).

This article isn’t so much about producing useful code, but more about the steps that you should be able to identify and perform when optimizing vector-heavy code. I also briefly discuss how to deal with separating axis tests when one of the objects is a sphere (which doesn’t have any obvious features).

Testing sphere vs. triangle

There are several different methods we can use to determine the intersection between a sphere and a triangle.

One is to “inflate” or “grow” the triangle by the sphere (forming the Minkowski sum of them) while simultaneously shrinking the sphere to a point. The test then becomes that of testing if the sphere center (the point) lies inside the spherically inflated triangle. In practical terms, this resolves into testing containment of the sphere center in one of 3 spheres (at the triangle vertices), 3 cylinders (aligned to the triangle edges), or a triangular prism (centered around the triangle itself).

Another option is to use the method of testing for a separating axis. Since this method is usually applied to (convex) polygons and polytopes only, and not for spheres, I thought it is a more interesting solution to elaborate on here, since I get to touch on two things at once.

Before continuing, let’s briefly review the separating axis test, to see where it comes from and how it works.

Justifying separating-axis testing

If two convex objects, C1 and C2, are not intersecting there must exist a pair of points P1 and P2, one from each object, such that no other pair of points are closer than these points. Given such a pair, we can insert a separating plane between P1 and P2, with normal P2 - P1. We call P2 - P1 a separating axis.

Since there is an infinite number of points on either object, which is not practical for testing, we classify points into a finite number sets we call features. We do this in such a way that all points of a feature share the same test axis for separation. This way, it is sufficient to form candidate axes for all pairs of features from each object, and see if we can find object separation on any of those axes.

If, after examining all candidate axes, we cannot find separation, we must conclude that C1 and C2 are intersecting.

For convex polyhedra (aka polytopes) features are the vertices, edges, and faces of the polytopes.

Separating axis testing for a sphere

From the above we conclude that a triangle has three kinds of features that are involved in testing: vertices (3), edges (3), and a face (1). But what about a sphere? Well, if you followed the justification of the test, it should be clear a sphere has only one feature, but it varies from test to test: the point on the sphere surface closest to each given triangle feature!

If we define the problem as testing the intersection between a triangle T, defined by the vertices A, B, and C, and a sphere S, given by its center point P and a radius r, the axes we need to test are therefore the following:

  1. normal to the triangle plane
  2. perpendicular to AB through P
  3. perpendicular to BC through P
  4. perpendicular to CA through P
  5. through A and P
  6. through B and P
  7. through C and P

We can now proceed with the actual testing, below.

Testing if sphere lies outside the triangle plane

The sphere S cannot intersect the triangle T if the sphere center P lies further away from the plane of T than r units. This can be expressed as follows:

Translate problem so sphere is centered at origin
A = A - P
B = B - P
C = C - P
Compute a vector normal to triangle plane (V), normalize it (N)
V = cross(B - A, C - A)
N = V / sqrt(dot(V, V))
Compute distance d of sphere center to triangle plane
d = abs(dot(A, N))
separated = d > r

Since both d and r are positive, we can square both sides of the test; this allows us to remove the abs() too. N is only used once, so we can substitute the expression in the calculation of d, and move out the constant sqrt() expression from within the dot product of A and N:

A = A - P
B = B - P
C = C - P
V = cross(B - A, C - A)
d = dot(A, V) / sqrt(dot(V, V))
separated = d^2 > r^2

d^2 is equivalent to dot(A, V)^2 / dot(V, V) and since dot(V, V) is always positive we can multiply by dot(V, V) on both sides of the inequality, giving the final form:

A = A - P
B = B - P
C = C - P
V = cross(B - A, C - A)
d = dot(A, V)
e = dot(V, V)
separated = d * d > r * r * e

Testing if sphere lies outside a triangle vertex

For the axis through the sphere center P and the vertex A we have separation if:

Translate problem so sphere is centered at origin
A = A - P
B = B - P
C = C - P
Compute distance between sphere center and vertex A
d = sqrt(dot(A, A))
The plane through A with normal A ("A - P") separates sphere iff:
(1) A lies outside the sphere, and
separated1 = d > r
(2) if B and C lie on the opposite side of the plane w.r.t. the sphere center
separared2 = dot(B - A, A) > 0
separared3 = dot(C - A, A) > 0
separated = separated1 & separated2 & separated3

(Here we assume that A is the feature that separates T and S. As such, if B or C are closer, in the projection, then A cannot possibly be the separating feature. B or C might be, but we will find that out when testing for B and C as the potential separating feature, so we do not need to test that case here. The idea is to not do any early outs in this code.)

As before we square terms to get rid of the sqrt() and also use the linearity (or distributive properties) of the dot product to remove some vector subtractions, to give the optimized pseudocode:

A = A - P
B = B - P
C = C - P
aa = dot(A, A)
ab = dot(A, B)
ac = dot(A, C)
separated = (aa > r * r) & (ab > aa) & (ac > aa)

If we do the same thing for the remaining two axes and combine the tests we arrive at the final form for testing all vertices:

A = A - P
B = B - P
C = C - P
aa = dot(A, A)
ab = dot(A, B)
ac = dot(A, C)
bb = dot(B, B)
bc = dot(B, C)
cc = dot(C, C)
rr = r * r
separateda = (aa > rr) & (ab > aa) & (ac > aa)
separatedb = (bb > rr) & (ab > bb) & (bc > bb)
separatedc = (cc > rr) & (ac > cc) & (bc > cc)
separated = separateda | separatedb | separatedc

Testing if sphere lies outside a triangle edge

To determine if there is a separating plane through the triangle edge AB with a normal parallel to the axis through the sphere center P and perpendicular to AB, we first need to compute the point Q on the line AB to which P projects. This Q is really just the projection of P onto the plane and must, by construction, fall onto the line AB (which is why we project P onto AB). We compute Q as follows:

AB = B - A
t = dot(P - A, AB) / dot(AB, AB)
Q = A + t * AB

(For a full justification of why Q is computed like this, see Section 5.1.2 of RTCD.)

To test separation we now need to see if Q is further than r from P and if C lies on the opposite side of the plane through AB with normal PQ.

Compute Q
AB = B - A
t = dot(P - A, AB) / dot(AB, AB)
Q = A + t * AB
Test separation
QP = P - Q
QC = C - Q
separated1 = sqrt(dot(QP, QP)) > r
separated2 = dot(QP, QC) < 0
separated = separated1 & separated2

We can get rid of the sqrt() by squaring both sides of the first inequality (as both sides are positive) and we can prepare to get rid of the division by multiplying both sides of the inequalities by the positive number e^2:

AB = B - A
d = dot(P - A, AB)
e = dot(AB, AB)
Q = A + (d / e) * AB
QP = P - Q
QC = C - Q
separated1 = dot(QP * e, QP * e) > r * r * e * e
separated2 = dot(QP * e, QC * e) < 0
separated = separated1 & separated2

We finalize getting rid of the division through the following transformation:

AB = B - A
d = dot(P - A, AB)
e = dot(AB, AB)
Q = A * e + d * AB
QP = P * e - Q
QC = C * e - Q
separated = [dot(QP, QP) > r * r * e * e] & [dot(QP, QC) < 0]

Doing all three edge tests together results in the following pseudocode:

AB = B - A
d1 = dot(P - A, AB)
e1 = dot(AB, AB)
Q1 = A * e1 + d1 * AB
QP1 = P * e1 - Q1
QC = C * e1 - Q1
separated1 = [dot(QP1, QP1) > r * r * e1 * e1] & [dot(QP1, QC) < 0]

BC = C - B
d2 = dot(P - B, BC)
e2 = dot(BC, BC)
Q2 = B * e2 + d2 * BC
QP2 = P * e2 - Q2
QA = A * e2 - Q2
separated2 = [dot(QP2, QP2) > r * r * e2 * e2] & [dot(QP2, QA) < 0]

CA = A - C
d3 = dot(P - C, CA)
e3 = dot(CA, CA)
Q3 = C * e3 + d3 * CA
QP3 = P * e3 - Q3
QB = B * e3 - Q3
separated3 = [dot(QP3, QP3) > r * r * e3 * e3] & [dot(QP3, QB) < 0]

separated = separated1 | separated2 | separated3

Yet again we translate there problem so the sphere is at the origin (P = 0), which, after some shuffling to remove unary minuses and making all comparisons greater-than, turns the pseudocode into the final version:

A = A - P
B = B - P
C = C - P
AB = B - A
BC = C - B
CA = A - C
d1 = dot(A, AB)
e1 = dot(AB, AB)
d2 = dot(B, BC)
e2 = dot(BC, BC)
d3 = dot(C, CA)
e3 = dot(CA, CA)
Q1 = A * e1 - d1 * AB
QC = C * e1 - Q1
Q2 = B * e2 - d2 * BC
QA = A * e2 - Q2
Q3 = C * e3 - d3 * CA
QB = B * e3 - Q3
separated1 = [dot(Q1, Q1) > r * r * e1 * e1] & [dot(Q1, QC) > 0]
separated2 = [dot(Q2, Q2) > r * r * e2 * e2] & [dot(Q2, QA) > 0]
separated3 = [dot(Q3, Q3) > r * r * e3 * e3] & [dot(Q3, QB) > 0]
separated = separated1 | separated2 | separated3

All together now

Finally, let's combine all three (or 7) tests together in one final block of pseudocode:

A = A - P
B = B - P
C = C - P
rr = r * r
V = cross(B - A, C - A)
d = dot(A, V)
e = dot(V, V)
sep1 = d * d > rr * e
aa = dot(A, A)
ab = dot(A, B)
ac = dot(A, C)
bb = dot(B, B)
bc = dot(B, C)
cc = dot(C, C)
sep2 = (aa > rr) & (ab > aa) & (ac > aa)
sep3 = (bb > rr) & (ab > bb) & (bc > bb)
sep4 = (cc > rr) & (ac > cc) & (bc > cc)
AB = B - A
BC = C - B
CA = A - C
d1 = ab - aa
d2 = bc - bb
d3 = ac - cc
e1 = dot(AB, AB)
e2 = dot(BC, BC)
e3 = dot(CA, CA)
Q1 = A * e1 - d1 * AB
Q2 = B * e2 - d2 * BC
Q3 = C * e3 - d3 * CA
QC = C * e1 - Q1
QA = A * e2 - Q2
QB = B * e3 - Q3
sep5 = [dot(Q1, Q1) > rr * e1 * e1] & [dot(Q1, QC) > 0]
sep6 = [dot(Q2, Q2) > rr * e2 * e2] & [dot(Q2, QA) > 0]
sep7 = [dot(Q3, Q3) > rr * e3 * e3] & [dot(Q3, QB) > 0]
separated = sep1 | sep2 | sep3 | sep4 | sep5 | sep6 | sep7

It should be noted that throughout I've been deliberately sloppy with the separation criteria (i.e. greater-than vs. greater-equal, etc) to allow for the final version of the code to perform the same comparison for several tests in parallel. (Using SIMD instructions, the sixteen scalar greater-than comparisons can be packed into four SIMD comparisons.) Also, if implemented as derived, the resulting code is not the greatest example of floating-point robustness since we have cross-multiplied and squared terms to get rid of divisions and square roots in our quest for faster code. Finally, like Knuth, I have only "proved" the pseudocode to be correct, I haven't actually tested it, so beware bugs. Caveat emptor, in other words!

Aside: there is no "separating-axis theorem"

As a side note, I feel compelled to point out that there is no such thing as a "separating-axis theorem" despite people talking about it in academic papers and even writing Wikipedia articles about it! Why? Because it is not a theorem and no one has ever proven it in print, nor would anyone attempt to, because it is a trivial consequence of the separating hyperplane theorem, which is a real proven and fundamental theorem in convex analysis! The correct vernacular is "separating-axis test." Get it right.

13 thoughts on “Optimizing a sphere-triangle intersection test”

  1. Hey, nice to see new posts from you, Christer! Unfortunately the final code doesn’t work. There is indeed a bug here:

    QC = C * e1 + Q1
    QA = A * e2 + Q2
    QB = B * e3 + Q3

    Should be:

    QC = C * e1 – Q1
    QA = A * e2 – Q2
    QB = B * e3 – Q3

    As for the separating axis theorem, I suppose we all have to blame Stefan Gottschalk, who was the first AFAIK to talk about it in his thesis. I don’t remember if he “proved it in print” though :)

  2. Thanks Pierre! I fixed the sign error in the article.

    It is historically interesting to note (as I did in my book) that the whole idea was actually presented to Gottschalk by Mikki Larcombe on comp.graphics.algorithms in 1995. Google groups have the two postings archived (as do I in my personal archive of interesting posts from back then). It’s worth noting two things: 1) Larcombe clearly presents the whole idea behind separating-axis testing to Gottschalk, and 2) there’s no mentioning of “separating axis theorems” anywhere. That’s an unfortunate later construction.

    Gottschalk 1995 comp.graphics.algorithms inquiry:

    From: gotts…@cs.unc.edu (Stefan Gottschalk)
    Subject: arbitrary bounding box intersection
    Date: 1995/10/09
    Message-ID: <45bup9$c9k@zworykin.cs.unc.edu>#1/1
    X-Deja-AN: 117294500
    organization: The University of North Carolina
    newsgroups: comp.graphics.algorithms

    I have two right rectangular prisms (I think that’s right – they’re
    3d rectangles, anyway) arbitrarily positioned and oriented in
    3-space, and I want to know if they touch or intersect. I don’t
    need to know WHERE they touch, but only WHETHER they touch.

    Does anyone know an efficient way to do this?

    Currently I test whether any of the edges of box A intersects any
    of the faces of box B and vice versa, for a total of 144 edge-face
    intersection tests. Yuck. I want to do better.


    Mikki Larcombe 1995 comp.graphics.algorithms answer:

    From: Mikki.Larco…@dcs.warwick.ac.uk (Mikki Larcombe)
    Subject: Re: arbitrary bounding box intersection
    Date: 1995/10/11
    Message-ID: <1995Oct11.130545.22985@dcs.warwick.ac.uk>#1/1
    X-Deja-AN: 117385584
    sender: mhel@granite (Mikki Larcombe)
    x-nntp-posting-host: granite
    references: <45bup9$c9k@zworykin.cs.unc.edu> <813274427snz@jjavp.demon.co.uk>
    organization: Department of Computer Science, Warwick University, England
    newsgroups: comp.graphics.algorithms
    originator: Mikk@granite

    Given two convex polyhedra these are separable (i.e. have no point in
    common) if there is some axis such that the points from each polygon project
    onto this axis in two separable sets. This is equivalent to the notion of a
    plane of separation but has the advantage of giving a direct measure for
    comparison purposes: given the two convex polyhedra A and B and letting
    these project onto some axis as p(A),p(B) then separability exists if
    max p(a)<min p(B) or max p(B)<min p(A).

    This leaves us to choose the appropriate directions. There is a finite set of
    such directions for polyhedra: the facet normals from both polyhedra and the
    directions formed from the vector cross-products of an edge direction taken from
    each polyhedra. For the rectangular boxes this gives 15 directions, but
    the tests are rejective… it is sufficient to find separability in one of these
    directions, intersection requires overlap of the projected sets in all of these

    In making these tests it is useful to have the formula for the extent of a
    rectangular box in any direction to hand (extent is the range of the projected
    points. Given a mid-point m, orthonormal
    basis vectors b0,b1,b2, and semi-axis s0,s1,s2 the extent in a direction d
    relative to a test point q is:
    where |d.b0| means the absolute value of the dot product.

    Mikki Larcombe

    Mikki Larcombe

  3. Ok, some more thoughts… :)

    Since this is a SAT, it should be possible to use the same axes in the “dynamic” version of SAT – the thing popularized by Ron Levine on GDA a long time ago -, to get a moving-sphere-vs-triangle test. Right? Except it doesn’t work, and I think it’s simply because contrary to what happens for, say, box-vs-box, here the axes change over time. For boxes the axes remain the same when a box gets translated. For spheres, the axes need recomputing.

    But then, going back to how the axes are built, there is something not very satisfying there. For the “edge axes” (number 2, 3 and 4 in the article) we effectively already do some distance computations (Q = closest point from P to line AB). Ok, but if we can do that, why not simply compute Q = closest point from P to *segment* AB, which is basically the same computation, and it lets us drop the “sphere axes” (number 5, 6, 7) completely. And if we continue in that direction, computing Q = closest point from P to the triangle gives us, in a way, a single axis to test (at which point we don’t really have a SAT anymore of course, just a distance-based test).

    I found it interesting to see how the SAT version can gradually turn into the distance test. I also wonder now what are the proper “rules” to choose the candidate axes. You wrote:

    “it should be clear a sphere has only one feature, but it varies from test to test: the point on the sphere surface closest to each given triangle feature!”

    and at the same time:

    “a triangle has three kinds of features that are involved in testing: vertices (3), edges (3), and a face (1)”

    But that’s edges right there, not lines. So why not computing the closest point from P to the edges indeed? Is it an arbitrary choice? A way to avoid the extra tests in the segment case, to make it more SIMD friendly?

    And more importantly, how do we make this work for the moving-sphere case? Any idea? :)

  4. I look at it as follows. Computing distance is a superset of testing for separation, as the former directly determines the latter. As such, additional computation is generally (but not necessarily) needed to compute distance over separation.

    As you note, there’s also often overlap between the calculations for distance vs. separation. Some of this follows because in both types of test we have to perform the testing by cases that correspond to regions of space. Sometimes these regions are the same or at least sufficiently close that the math becomes the same or very similar.

    I haven’t tried, nor really thought about it much, but to handle the moving-sphere case SAT-style, you would have to parameterize the sphere-axis movement and then track the projections onto this parameterized axis, same as you would for a stationary axis. Sounds messy.

    For moving sphere vs. triangle, a distance-based approach intuitively sounds more appealing. Dave Eberly describes one such approach in Intersection of Moving Sphere and Triangle.

  5. Dear Christer,

    First of all let me praise you for this excellent book that is yours “Real-time collision detection”. I write to you in order to ask about a small clarification of something I found odd in a couple of your codes. On page 189, you give a code for detecting the interception between a line and a quadrilateral, which I assume to be in two-dimensional space. However, at some point, there is a line with a crossproduct yielding a new vector:

    Vector m = Cross(pc, pq);

    As far as I know, the cross-product of two 2D vectors returns a scalar value – or a 3D vector in case we add the zeros to the other two dimensions and use that scalar as the third dimension. I found it confusing: how should one proceed in that regard, since in that code line the object “m” seems to be a 2D vector? Notice that I am not the only soul lost in that: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2333292/cross-product-of-2-2d-vectors

    Many thanks for your time.

    Best regards,

    Andy E. Astro

  6. I tried using this code and I’m finding numerical instability for very small triangles. Any recommendations?

    For example if you make a test scheme that uses a 2d area 700×700 and randomly place triangle points in it, iterate through every pixel, each time “moving a circle” to that position, and if it intersects, draw black, otherwise draw white… when the triangle gets small enough you end up with same really crazy patterns.

    This happened to me first in 3 dimensions in JavaScript… then I did the 2D test described above in C#. Both cases had the same instability.

    As I said – any recommendations? I’m bypassing this instability by just replacing tiny triangles with appropriately sized tiny spheres, then doing sphere-sphere intersection. So I’m asking this not for myself, but more as a discussion provoking thing.

    Thanks for this resource!!

  7. Andy, please excuse the very late reply. The code on page 189 is for the 3D case. As such, there’s nothing special about the cross product; it’s a cross product of two 3D vectors.

    Daarong, what you’re encountering is expected. When you optimize code for “speed” (or number of operations/instructions) as was done above, you frequently give up on robustness. I noted this with the comment “Also, if implemented as derived, the resulting code is not the greatest example of floating-point robustness […]” If robustness is your goal, you will have better results not performing any of the for-speed optimizations that I outlined in the article.

  8. Hello Christer,

    Great article, I learned a lot from this! I have a question though, that you may be able to help me with. The pseudocode at the end of your article, when translated to real code, ends up spitting out a boolean. This is great for when you simply want to know if an intersection happened, but what if you want to react to that intersection, such as a collision in a game?

    Is it possible to get the actual point of intersection from this algorithm so that information can then be used to, say, slide a character against an object as opposed to simply stopping them from moving when a collision is detected?

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